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Get Traffic to Your Site by Building Internet Traffic - SEO Tips

If you are serious about your online business success then you can't feel bad about this long list. Because, if you want to reach the top of your business success then you can't just depend on search engine optimization. You need to think about backlinks, media coverage, and all other traffic generating options there is. You don't have to do them all in a day - you need to proceed slowly, calculativly and determined. And surely success will be at your door. Best of luck. Hey wait... before you begin - here's a small piece of advice: 

You should choose 5 of the below strategies which you find the easiest to implement and work on them for 5 days (1 day each). Then choose the next 5 and implement.
Implementation is the key here, work until you have executed at-least 30 of the strategies and you will have quality traffic for a long time.

Trade an adequate amount of Stumbles to improve your site’s Stumble Ranking. Stumble-upon is a feasible option, where-in better the content, higher the hits. Also, Diggs can be utilised to get your site indexed quickly.

1. Backlinks can be substantially incremented through sites such as Propeller, OnlyWire and SocialMarker, Deshitunes which serve the purpose of improving indexing and rankings.

2. A suitable press release publicizing your site can be submitted directly to PRWeb.com to attain a good flow of traffic and even rankings.

3. If a competitor with high traffic-site uses Ad Sense, then you can use Google’s Site Targeting Program to get your ad directly to your competitor’s site, evading hassles of contacting the owner.

4. Advertise your site with certified and commonly visited classifieds such as the centralized network on CraigsList.org.

5. Posting quality content through constant offerings on groups, communities and forums with common interests will help attract a good amount of traffic.

6. LinkedIn.com has a widespread online business social networking forum which effectively helps increase your contacts and repo amongst other online marketers.

7. It is essential to keep updating and modifying your site in order to make it seem more dynamic. This will attract more visits from popular search engines.

8. Publishing brochures or even a mini-book based on what your site is all about can assist in creating huge publicity spreads.

9. Posting regularly on your blog and then pinging each time you write in is of great help. Also, each post must contain apt keywords concerned with the business in order to initiate better search results.

10. Writing eye-grabbing reviews about products that belong to the same niche as yours on blogs in your own niche with a link back to your site.

11. Helpful suggestions or comments can be left on other people’s blogs, with a backlink to your site attached at the bottom.

12. Options such as social bookmarking, Refer to a Friend and other such viral techniques will enable a widespread of your site’s popularity.

13. Sites such as OnlyWire.com help in automating social book marking, which enables you to generate more backlinks automatically, thus resulting in traffic from affiliated sites.

14. Offering free items on your site, such as free courses, affiliate products or e-books will help gain a higher number of subscribers and repeat traffic.

15. Attaining membership to the Better Business Bureau will not only help you develop marketing skills, but also enable you to have your site’s link posted on their website.

16. Submitting articles with qualitative contents to popular article directories and blogs and forums.

17. Business cards are also an effective method to create contacts and expand networks.

18. At times, you can get to advertise your site on the Thank You and Reference pages of other Sales websites in return of a nominal charge for the site owner.

19. Personal profiles on popular social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter can prove heavily beneficial to circulate your site’s information and backlinks.

20. A video-clip containing informative footage regarding your site can be uploaded on common video hosting sites such as YouTube. The link to your site must be included primarily in the About Video/Information section of the clip.

21. Buying advertisements on EBay or using PPC techniques is a way of spending your way into luring customers.

22. Some local Radio stations often accept advertisements at relatively affordable costs. So, investing some amount in advertisements on Radios in another medium of mass-communication with a large reach.

23. Also, sponsoring a small segment on a local News channel is a viable long-term option to spread word about your site.

24. Niches impact traffic flows heavily. Picking the correct niches to venture into and combining them with properly researched keywords thus becomes important for long term traffic.

25. If the content is able to generate enough heat, encouraging people to subscribe to your RSS feeds will become easy, which is an efficient method of building a loyal base of visitors.

26. Many readers who use backlinks to reach your site may not necessarily enter your index page. Hence, each standalone page of the site must be intriguing and attractive enough to make them navigate further and read on.

27. Multiple blogs can be created with one parent site to backlink to. Since all of these blogs act as channels leading to the same parent site, continuous traffic inflow is ensured.

28. Giving out attractive bloggers’ awards or rewarding the best blog entries in cash or kind can prove to be a healthy way of attracting a constant inflow of bloggers.

29. Posting backlinks on websites in similar niches and higher Page-Rank will assist in getting your site’s ranking up. Higher the Page-Rank, better the rankings on Search Engines.

30. If you use Yahoo, then it is a common trick to set up a feed on MyYahoo. This will help Yahoo keep automated track of the updates on your site and blogs.

31. Web campaigns either earn money or cost money. Thus, it becomes vital to keep track of your site’s campaigns from time to time through effective tests of their feasibility.

32. An effective offline strategy, which is slightly expensive and lesser known, involves bringing forth your advertisements in front of the common public via modes such as posters, t-shirts, publishing in magazines etc.

33. Also, public places such as alleys, bus stations, cafes etc. are apt sites where you can put up paper Stick-Ons to promote your URL amongst the common masses.

34. The Alexa Tool Bar is an efficient tool to monitor traffic reports and acquire traffic rankings after searching profitable niche keywords on search engines like Google.

35. Hosting Tele-seminars or Webinars with other marketers of your niche can prove to be critical tools in enlightening members of your network with information about your site.
36. If you can’t get famous, get infamous. A trick to attract more eyes is to generate a controversial idea, against the popular beliefs common in the market, and then spread it around through articles and e-books.

37. There could be sites with misspellings or variations of your domain name floating on the web. Try and purchase some space on them in order to forward your URL.

38. Buying an authoritative site and getting high powered people to use it adds to your reputation. Following that up with a few press releases helps attain publicity.

39. Every time you make a presentation to a club, forum or local society, it is highly advisable to mention your site as many times as possible and expand your contacts amongst other online marketers.

40. Write articles and submit to E-zine articles and build backlinks to them if necessary(for quick google rankings), link back to your main page.

41. Use twitter to direct traffic, use automation software to add followers.

42. Add valuable articles to forums in your niche and have a link in your signature.

43. Write guest posts on high traffic blogs in your niche. Do a domain whois search for getting the details of the owner or write a comment telling that you have an offer that can be of mutual benefit.

44. Build a list and send them quality information once a week, soon you can have them come to your site just by requesting.

45. Build relationships in your niche. With fellow webmasters and more importantly the traffic. Make lists and satisfy them with good information.

46. Make video files watermarked with your URL and upload to torrent sites and other sharing hubs (mediafire,rapidshare). Give links to these download pages in forums.

47. Make linkwheels and keep at it consistently.

48. Ping, social bookmark and submit your RSS feeds to rss feed aggregators to get a steady source of traffic each time you update your site.

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